Skin Classic

A safe non-invasive treatment that targets unwanted skin growths and minor skin irregularities. This machine uses high frequency to treat broken capillaries, skin tags, milia, brown spots due to sun damage, sebaceous hyperplasia, acne cysts, fibromas and clogged pores from the face and body. This treatment dehydrates minor irregularities on the surface of the skin which will crust over and fall off. There is minimal discomfort and downtime.

After your Skin Classic treatment it is normal to experience some irritation as well as some redness. Some crusting and/or scabbing may also occur. You can expect the healing process to be between 7-14 days. Makeup may be worn over moisturizing & SPF.

To find out more information and to see if you are a candidate to receive Skin Classic treatments head over to the contact us tab and lets get in touch.